My Essay Writer The English Grammar Police’s Notorious 5 | English Grammar


Wednesday 1 August 2012

The English Grammar Police’s Notorious 5

Grammar was long taught since students picked their way to school pavements. However, its dynamism in use and the inherent progression students experience per passing it did not make it any better for students to avoid committing several violations to the conventions of even the most basic of English grammar.

Why is it that despite of relentless writing and speaking exercises and practices students continue to suffer from grammar maladies? Enlisted below are probable answers:
  1. Other priorities. In doing courseworks, students aim to hunt for the correct answer and nail it in paper. However, executing the former takes more time; hence, students put less emphasis in their English grammar. This is the common case for almost all types of time-pressured activity.
  2. Unstable foundation. This is one of the most prevalent culprits of grammar-based errors. Some students are able to pass their English grammar lessons without actually integrating them in their systemic writing and speaking. The case is that either a student keeps on forgetting the rules, or is ignorant in terms of actual grammar use.
  3. Lack of double-checking habits. Students still resolve to stash away right after finishing a coursework, regardless of the simplicity of this measure. They tend to forget that reviewing their work saves more points and optimises the edge of getting the accurate answer.
  4. Fail to exhibit keenness to composition’s details. Without the vaguest idea of how the work is to be read or written, students inevitably neglect to spot the details that require a grammar police.
  5. Constant flash-writing. When students consistently do their courseworks under a rapid clocked pace, students will consequently lose their grammar bearings. They will write at top speed and forget grammar rules.
Students exhibiting any of these probabilities miss one thing about grammar – its significance in communicating.

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