My Essay Writer Taking an English Grammar Review | English Grammar


Thursday 25 October 2012

Taking an English Grammar Review

Reminiscent of students’ constant coursework debacle is the priority torn between grammar and content.  Students want to get their coursework right; that is why they appropriate it with the correct content, but often, at the expense of their English grammar.

Students do not necessarily choose the grammar as their casualty; in fact, in every student’s ideal is the perfection of grammar.  And still it remains to top the list of errors frequently committed in course-working.  But it’s not too late; as long as the chance to do courseworks subsists, students can opt to improve.  Perhaps, they can start by doing some of these measures:

i. Students must allocate at least one day (in one week) for English grammar review.  Okay, students might not necessarily want one whole day, maybe 3-4 hours for the most.  It is up to students to choose the duration.  If they can afford to lengthen it, the better.

ii. Students’ next move is to target their review on their own weak points.  At this rate, they might need someone’s output or critique to fully assess their grammar weak points (as their own output may not be enough).

iii. Students must opt on actually practicing to effectively transition the improvement of their English grammar use.  Hence, in every review, they may write some essays, or even directly subject their given courseworks to such practice.

iv. Students must look for a critique buddy.  The responsibility of this buddy is to give your grammar practice pieces a check to spot the actual improvement, or need for further practice.

v. Students should put their grammar review in actual implementation.  That means correct grammar use at school.

It may be a long way towards that grammar perfection; yet, the important part is that students are actually working on their grammar development.

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